“People often find it easier to be a result of the past, than a cause of the future.”
We are talking today about Digital Transformation, the term that encompasses the processes of technological innovation that accompany the growth of companies, with the intention of creating competitive advantage. For many SMEs, it is a phenomenon that concerns the change of the business model adopted, for others of work organisation or management of communication activities towards their customers (customer care) or towards new potential customers (marketing).
The approach I try to take is usually oriented towards finding ways of enabling people to express their added value, saving time on repetitive or low-impact activities that can be easily managed by automated systems.
Data in hand we realise that the topic is very hot within SMEs (under 50 employees and 10 million turnover) or in start-ups. In both cases, we are talking about smaller companies that are able to manage change in a more streamlined manner than larger companies, or that are starting out with more digital approaches than companies that have accumulated operational paths that have settled over time.
The biggest obstacle at this point in time?
The lack of skills.
We need people with an overall business vision but with vertical technical skills in programming, analysis and performance. The fast growth cycle that characterises the market does not leave time for schools to embrace change and keep up with the times, with unfortunate consequences on the education of young people who are left with a superficial and deficient education. There is also a problem in management, which, not seeing clearly and immediately the economic return from these investments, quickly becomes discouraged.
Digital transformation: the first steps
In concrete terms, however, what can we do to begin our Digital Transformation journey?
- First of all, I think it is essential to work on skills: as a manager, as a manager, as an operative or as a student, you need to be ready and prepared on the subject. Also analyse and study what has happened in the past, taking on board the famous cases that are starting to populate the shelves of bookshops dealing with the subject (Blockbuster vs Netflix, Walmart vs Amazon, etc.).
- To this I would add the courage to start: don’t think of taking the plunge right away, but start with small things that can improve our days, to understand the impact this can have on our lives.
- Put some creativity into it, try to think differently and see things from different points of view to help bring more and more value.
The Digital Transformation involves a change in leadership, a different way of thinking, new business models and an increased use of technology to improve the experience of employees, customers, suppliers, partners and all company stakeholders.